
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rockingham Memorial Day Honors Confederate Dead, 1922

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, May 10, 1922, when a celebration of Memorial Day was a time for honoring Confederate war dead.

The members of the senior history class of R.H.S., accompanied by Miss Grove and Mr. W.N. Everette, on May 10th, in order to renew their memory and love for our Confederate dead made a journey to the various cemeteries surrounding Rockingham, where some time was spent in the decoration of graves and the recounting of deeds of valor accomplished by our Confederate dead. Large bunches of flowers were placed at the head of the graves of every soldier who served during the Civil War.

We feel that our state has gradually been getting to far away from this one day, sacred to the hearts of the people of the South. Time was when this day was a half holiday. Stores closed, school children paraded, and the whole town turned out to march to the cemetery but we feel that our people cannot lose their spirit of reverence. Our people have only glided into forgetfulness of this day and its memoirs.

The senior class has only made an effort to keep alive this day, and what it means to our beautiful Southland. May others in the  process of time more fully recognize and cherish this day as one never to be forgotten.

Charlie McCollum

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