
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Slavery Improved Mental and Physical Health of Negroes, 1903

"Recollections of the Last 60 Years of the 19th Century" by Dr. J.B. Alexander of Mecklenburg County, N.C., in the May 19, 1903 issue of The Progressive Farmer. Dr. Alexander argues that African Americans were better off as slaves. His proof? The lack of Negro lunatics. There were white people with mental problems during the times of slavery. Strange how Dr. Alexander doesn't recommend slavery for whites in order to eliminate lunacy.

In speaking of the negro race since slavery times I would say that I never knew or saw one who was a lunatic while a slave. But in a fourth of a century the people of North Carolina have built a large asylum in Goldsboro for the use of the negro exclusively, and scarcely one-half of the poor unfortunate ones are provided for. This also may be placed to the credit of those loud-mouthed Abolitionists who were fond and eager to meddle with the civilization of other commonwealths. In time of slavery the negroes were a strong, healthy and robust people. When they were well-fed, well-housed, and well-clothed, and worked in moderation, they were capable of doing more work on the farm than any other nationality. We had fine mechanics among the slaves, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, brick masons, shoemakers and negroes skilled in all the trades pursued by white people. And at that time no hard feeling was engendered between the races on account of color, but all worked in harmony.

Fifty years ago we had a civilization that had never been excelled. It is true that a half century ago the millionaires in America might have been counted on less than the fingers of one hand; now they are estimated at many thousand. But then 50 years ago it was a rarity to see a case of poverty, save from sickness or some misfortune. How is it now? From 50 to 100 in the county home, and double as many more are fed by the city in the cold months of winter.
--J.B. Alexander, M.D.


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