
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tribute to Belle Edmisten Shull, 1900

"In Memory of Mrs. C.C. Pennell" by M.C. Shull from the Watauga Democrat, May 10, 1900

On the morning of the 1st at her home near Boone, Watauga county, the Lord called for Belle and she quietly passed from this earth to the beyond, aged 27 years, 5 months and 20 days.

Her maiden name was Edmisten, daughter of W.W.D. Edmisten. She leaves a husband and four affectionate children to mourn their loss. This was a model family, father and mother laboring to render each other and their children happy, and when the earthly tie is broken it is natural that the loss will be the more keenly felt. All was done for her, it seems, that could be, but without avail. Pneumonia and other diseases had gotten such a strong grasp on her that she realized death was near, and god in His infinite goodness and wisdom said, "It is enough, come up higher and claim the crown of eternal life."

In early life she joined the Baptist church and lived a most devoted and exemplary member, and through faith in her Redeemer triumphed over the fear of death.

She was a loving wife, a kind mother, and much esteemed by all who knew her.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Cherry, and the remains were laid to rest in the family grave yard to await the resurrection.

Thus has passed from this earth a good woman, her going has left aching hearts and empty hands that would have delighted to minister to her happiness; still we will not murmur but yield her up, knowing that our "Father's had hath dealt the stroke, and he doeth all things well."

Yet it is so hard to give up loved ones, but we should comfort one another with the hope of heaven, and I would say to the bereaved ones to look beyond the grave with its gloom and follow with an eye of faith the spirit of Belle as she joins the glad company who surround the throne of Him who hath said "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."

Farewell dear Belle forever.

The parting gives me pain,

But thank the Lord we'll meet again

In heaven where Jesus reigns.

--M.C. Shull

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