
Monday, June 8, 2015

Frank Smith Shares Community News From Fletcher, June 4, 1914

“Fletcher News” by Frank Smith, from the June 4, 1914, issue of the Western Carolina Democrat and French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C.

The Bank of Fletcher, a new and substantial institution, opened its doors for business on the 25th day of May, 1914. The bank building is a handsome brick structure with an imposing front, which makes an attractive appearance and adds considerably to the looks of our town. We are proud of this institution as it fills a long-felt need in this community. Its patrons will be quick to realize its worth.
The bank was organized by Mr. M.A. Miller, an attorney prominent in banking circles and in the business world. We local people are interested in the bank and every indication points to its success. Mr. H.B. Walker comes to us from Charleston, S.C., as the cashier of the Fletcher Bank. He shows much courtesy and kindness to all whom he meets and seems much interested in every one’s welfare. We are glad to have such a man in our town and we feel he will be a great help to our community, and wish him great success.

A most beautiful wedding was solemnized in Fletcher Sunday afternoon when Miss Helen Seals, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K.R. Seals became the bride of Mr. Van Hayes of Asheville, Rev. Pruett officiating. The party left on the 5:35 train. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes wish them success and happiness.

Rev. J.A. Fry of Waynesville delivered a most excellent sermon at Patty’s chapel Sunday morning. We were glad to have Bro. Fry with us again as he served us as pastor four years.

Miss Mattie Sales has returned home after being away several months during which time she was teaching.

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