
Saturday, June 6, 2015

North Carolina Well Represented When Confederate Soldiers Attended National Reunion in Louisville, 1900

From the editorial page of the Watauga Democrat, June 7, 1900, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor

It was our great pleasure to be present at the first three days of the confederate Reunion at Louisville, KY., last week, but to try to give a detailed account of same would be an utter impossibility this week owing to our crowded condition. The old veterans were there in large numbers from every state, and each one seemed to enjoy himself to the fullest extent; North Carolina alone having more than 700 of the battle scarred survivors of the Lost Cause, who had the honor of occupying front seats in the pavilion and of having the best headquarters and accommodations in the city of any state represented. It was indeed a happy occasion for these valiant defenders of the Confederacy, and we trust that they may yet live to meet at many more annual reunions. Friend H.A. Davis of Brookside will give us the official proceedings next week.

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