
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Usual Cases: Whisky, Assault, Non-support, Drunken Driving in Alamance County, 1939

“Fines Suspended, Sentences Feature County Court Work” from the Tuesday, July 25, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News. I have to wonder about the charge of operating a picalo without a license.

Numerous Charges are Aired as Judge Rhodes Clears Docket for Superior Court

The usual round of cases involving charges of possession of whisky, assault, non-support, and careless and drunken driving were aired in county court yesterday afternoon before Judge H.J. Rhodes as the tribunal cleared the docket and made way for the civil county court being held today, after postponement from last week.

Connie Underwood, tried for assault with a deadly weapon, appealed to higher court a judgment of four months suspended with payment of $50 and the cost.

Prayer for judgment was continued in the case in which Jean Campbell was charged with operation of a picalo without license. That continuance carried the provision that she must secure a license and pay the cost for which the county is liable.

Judgment was again reserved in the case in which Frank Hanford is charged with possession of home brew for sale.

William Rook, booked on a charge of malicious damage to property and trespassing, was found not guilty of the first count and on the second, judgment was continued on the provision that the defendant pay the cost.

Tommy Andrews, tried on the same charges as Rook, was given four months suspended on the condition that he pay for damages done and refrain from any other violation of the criminal laws.

Tom Longest, found guilty of assault, was sentenced to four months on the roads, suspended on payment of $50 and the cost.

J.D. Wilson, charged with non-support, was sentenced to six months, suspended on condition that he pay $6 a week to his wife and child and as much as $1.50 a week for doctor’s bills.

George Vincent, found guilty of careless and reckless driving, was give 90 days, suspended on payment of $25 and the cost.

Herbert Billings and L.B. Elkins were given 30 days each on charges of trespassing and vagrancy. On the same charge Clarence Gaultner was given 30 days suspended on payment of $10 and the cost, and on condition that he leave Alamance county.

Bennie Guthrie, tried for drunken driving, was given six months, suspended on payment of $25 and the cost.

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