
Thursday, August 13, 2015

14-Year-Old in Jail, 1920

“Juvenile in Jail,” from the Aug. 19, 1920 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch

On Thursday night of last week Mr. Claude Gore forgot to put his Ford Sedan up and left it on the street in front of his house. About 2 o’clock someone in passing noticed that a person was in the car trying to start it. The party went to Alfred Barrett, told him what he had seen, and Mr. Barrett secured the night officer and the two went to the car and arrested a 14-year-old colored boy, Billy Morrison. Billy had been making repeated efforts to get the car started. The lad is now in jail awaiting disposition of his case by the Juvenile Court. The boy lives at Hamlet and has been in trouble several times, the last time for stealing a mule and buggy; for this he was hired out to Mr. Capel but ran away before the term of sentence had expired. He seems to be an incorrigible boy and the best place for him is a reformatory.

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