
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Low-Income Families to Make Mattresses With Surplus Cotton, 1939

“Applications Made in Alamance County for Cotton, Ticking” from the August 8, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Family Cash Income Must Be Low Before Approved; Total of 153 Are Listed

A total of 153 families have made application for the surplus cotton and ticking which will be used in a mattress making project being sponsored by the federal government for low income families, county farm leaders, who have charge of the project, announced today.

One hundred and twenty applications were necessary before the project could be set up on the county. Applications were accepted only from those farm families with cash incomes of less than $400 annually.

The program, designed by the federal government to use up the great supply of surplus cotton owned by the government, will get underway in the county as soon as materials for which application has been made arrives.

An organization will be set up distributing the materials and supervising the construction of the mattresses, all of which will be done at centers to be designated later. The farm extension department will be responsible for supervision of instruction.

Actual construction of the mattress making will be done by the members of the families themselves at the centers under the instruction of NYA workers who will be trained for the jobs.

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