
Monday, August 10, 2015

The Important Mistakes of Life, 1907

“Life’s Mistakes” from the Aug. 22, 1907, issue of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C.

The important mistakes of life can be condenses into these 14.

It is a mistake to set up your own standard of right and wrong and judge people accordingly.

To measure the enjoyment of others by our own.

To expect uniformity of opinion in the world.

To look for judgment and expertness in the young.

To endeavor to mold all dispositions alike.

To yield to immaterial trifles.

To look for perfections in our own actions.

To worry ourselves and others with what cannot be remedied.

Not to alleviate all that need alleviation so far as it lies in our power.

Not to make allowances for the infirmities of others.

To consider everything impossible that we cannot perform.

To believe only what our minds can grasp.

To believe that there is only one perfect individual and that you are that person.

To expect to be able to understand everything.

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