
Sunday, September 27, 2015

9-Year-Old Girl Assaulted by Pleas B. McDaniell, 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1901

Statesville—A serious crime was revealed here when the little 9-year-old daughter of Maggie Burke, a woman of disreputable character, returned home. The facts as learned are that some days ago, one Pleas B. McDaniell, who lives about a mile from Ostwalt post office, appeared at the house of Maggie Burke and stated that he wanted to take her little girl home with him to raise as a member of his family, and to this the mother consented, McDaniell having convinced the mother that he would take proper care of the child.

Last Saturday McDaniell started to his home with the child. It was late in the afternoon when McDaniell was nearing home and as a threatening cloud was approaching, he took the girl to an out-house until the rain was over. It was at this place that the crime was committed. The girl states that McDaniell attempted the second assault at night in his own house and was prevented by her cries.

The neighbors on learning of the matter sent the girl back to her mother, and Dr. H.F. Long was called to render medical attention. The bruises upon the child’s body and throat bear witness to the truth of her story.

The enormity of his crime having dawned upon him, McDaniell fled from his home. Deputy Sheriff J.M. Deaton, with a number of neighbors, went in pursuit of him. Mr. McDaniell, who moved to his present home some time last May, bears an unevitable reputation among his neighbors. News has just been received here that McDaniell has been captured and is on his way to Statesville.

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