
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

'Local and Personal' News from Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, N.C., 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1901

Local and Personal

Mr. Marvin Lister spent Tuesday here.

Mr. Ray Winder is off on a visit to Roanoke.

Mr. J.E.C. Bell of Shawboro spent Monday here.

Lieu. R.O. Crisp arrived in the city Tuesday.

Superior Court is in session at Currituck this week.

Mrs. G.W. Ward, who is confined to her home on Main street with typhoid fever, is rapidly improving, we are glad to learn.

Mr. Selby Harney spent Sunday in Shawboro.

Mr. Carl Blades is visiting relatives in Pennsylvania.

Mr. A.B. Harper of Greensboro was here last week.

Miss Maggie Williams is visiting relatives in Raleigh.

Mr. Earnest Sawyer spent a few days in Edenton last week.

Most of our lawyers are attending Currituck Court this week.

Captain Hughes of South Mills was in the city Monday.

Mr. Andrew Callis of Berkley, Va., spent a few days here this week.

Mr. L.J. Moore, a prominent lawyer of New Bern, was in the city Tuesday.

Mr. C.W. Overman and family have returned from Nag’s Head.

Mr. Maurice Griffin left Friday for Raleigh to enter A. and M. College.

The death of Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Hendren last Saturday morning at her home in Gilmerton, Va., was a great shock to her numerous friends in this city. The remains were brought here and interred in Overman’s Cemetary. The funeral services being conducted by Rev. R.C. Beaman of the Methodist church at 4 o’clock, Monday morning.

Mr. J.W. Stewart of New Berne passed through the city Tuesday.

Mr. Jas. M. Weeks spent Thursday at Hall’s Creek attending protracted meeting.

Mr. Frank Bateman of Edenton spent several days in the city last week.

Mr. T.B. Boushall, one of Camden’s prominent citizens, was in the city Monday.

Labor day was duly celebrated in our city by everybody sticking to work same as ever.

Mr. John L. Sawyer and family have returned after spending the summer at Nag’s Head.

Miss Willie White left Monday for Oxford to enter the Female Seminary of that place.

Dr. J.E. Wood returned from Oriental Saturday where he has been on professional business.

Misses Mary, Evelyn and Blanche Weeks are visiting relatives and friends at Rosedale.

Mr. Brozier Cartwright left Friday for A. & M. College to resume his second year studies.

Mr. J.C. Commander and family have returned after spending the summer at Nag’s Head.

Miss Lucy Gregory, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk, has returned home.

Miss Eva Culpepper, who has been on a visit to Mrs. A. Huckabee, has returned to her home in Norfolk.

Miss Kate Engle, who has been here on a visit to relatives and friends, returned to Philadelphia Monday.

Capt. George Cutrell returned to his home in Edenton Thursday after a pleasant visit here to his relatives.

Messrs Gaston, Charlie and Mercer Crawford are in the city, called here by the sad death of their sister, Mrs. Hendren.

Miss Elsie Russell, who has been the guest of Miss Pauline Sheep on Main street, has returned to her home in Norfolk.

Messrs. George James and Arthur Burgess will leave tomorrow for Buffalo to attend the Pan-American Exposition.

Vagrancy is productive of viciousness. If the horde of idlers will not find work, cannot the city authorities find it for them?

The Alvarado, the U.S. recruiting ship, left Thursday for Norfolk, after taking about 15 recruits from this vicinity.

Mrs. Clay Foreman, who accompanied her daughter, Miss Gertrude, to Norfolk, on her way to Salem, returned Saturday.

Mr. J.D. Boushall, Raleigh General Agent of the Etna Life Insurance, was in the city Monday. His many friends were glad to meet him.

Miss Carroll spent Sunday here with Miss Jessie Baker, en route to her home in Norfolk, after spending some time at Nag’s Head.

Rev. J. Tynch, pastor of Olivet Church in this county, gave us a pleasant call Monday morning. We learn from him that the congregation of Olivet has decided to move the location of the church nearer the city.

If our farmers will preserve the article on shredding corn, it will be worth much to them. A system which actually doubles the value of the corn crop is worth a second thought. It is worth putting into practice.

Mr. M. Owens of Plymouth was in the city last week en route to several of the Northern cities to purchase his stock of shoes, which he will open up in the For a Building as soon as completed.

The Riverside Sunday School Lawn party Tuesday night was generously patronized, we are glad to learn. Something near $25 net was realized.

Mr. Harry Kramer left Monday for Kalamazoo, Mich., where he will enter school. He will visit the Pan-American in Buffalo and Niagara Falls en route to Kalamazoo.

Miss Eliza Drane, one of Edenton’s most charming young ladies, who has been the guest of Mrs. L.L. Williams, returned to her home last Saturday.

Mr. Hal Shaw spent several days in the city this week on business. He will leave Monday for Chapel Hill where he will take a Medical course.

Misses Ettie and Evelyn Aydlett, two of Betsy’s most attractive young ladies, left Tuesday morning for Raleigh, where they will enter the Baptist Female University.

Mr. F.H., Ziegler, our popular undertaker, left Monday for Raleigh where he goes to stand examination of embalming before the State Board.

Mr. A.C. Stokes, Chief of our Fire Department, went to Norfolk Tuesday and purchased two magnificent horses, both iron-greys, costing $300.

Mr. H.D. Walker was in the city this week en route to the Baltimore Medical College to enter his Senior year.

Messrs. Earnest Sawyer, Shelton Scott and J.K. Wilson leave next week for the University of North Carolina.

Mr. A. Huckabee, our popular and up-to-date barber, spent a couple of days in Edenton this week.

Miss Goldie Kramer, who has been on a visit to relatives and friends in Edenton, has returned home.

Mr. Chas. H. Robinson returned this week from Maryland where he has been on a business trip.

Messrs Montague and Michie of Berkley spent a couple of days in the city this week.

Mr. R.S. Harris of Jarvisburg passed through the city Tuesday en route to Norfolk.

Miss Bessie green, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L.L. Williams, has returned to her home in Alexandria, Va.

Miss Lydia Miller, who has been on a visit to Hatteras, has returned home.

Mr. Wilson Hollowell spent several days in Hertford this week.

Mrs. Anna Owens of Cresswell is visiting this city.

Miss Sadie Fearing is visiting relatives in Norfolk.

Mr. Jno. L. Sharpe of Norfolk is in the city.

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