
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why Isn't Law Forbidding Sale of Cigarettes to Minors Enforced? 1905

“Boys and Cigarettes” from the editorial page of Gold Leaf, a newspaper published in Henderson, N.C., Thursday, September 21, 1905

The following clipping from the Charlotte Observer applies to all parts of the country as well as to Charlotte. There is a whole sermon in it that is worth preaching from the house tops and telling in all the corners of the land as well:

“Apropos of the campaign being waged by Recorder Shannonhouse against the blind tigers and violators of the Sunday laws a member of the Charlotte bar yesterday asked: ‘What has become of that statute forbidding the sale of cigarettes to minors?’ Every day one may see small boys buying the ‘coffin tacks’ and yet nothing is ever said of it.”

“It is up to the police department.”

                --Raleigh Times

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