
Monday, October 19, 2015

Property Being Sold for Back Taxes, Meat Camp and Cove Creek Townships, Watauga County, N.C., 1921

“Notice of Tax Sale” in the October 27, 1921 issue of the Watauga Democrat

For the purpose of satisfying the taxes for the years of 1919 and 1920, I will on Monday the 7th day of November 1921 at 1 o’clock p.m. at the court house door of Watauga County sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said taxes the following real estate:

Meat Camp Township, 1920

D.T. Bumgarner, 25 acres, $6.35

W.M. Green, 51 acres, $8.92

J.C. Hodges, 97 acres, $10.50

M.W. Kay, mineral land, $52

Jasper Ragan, 27 acres for 1919, $5.85

F. Tatum heirs, 100 acres, $70

W.L. Woodring heirs, 75 acres, 1919, $6.69

R.B. Wilson, 75 acres, $2.62

W.L. Woodring heirs, 75 acres, $10.99

Shawneehaw Township, 1920

Charlie Matney, 7 acres, $6.74

F.L. Ward, 1 acre, $4.83

Cove Creek Township, 1920

F.C. Ward, 195 acres, $164.85

H.C. Reese, 62 acres, $44.80

Charlie Proffit, 160 acres, $105.19

Joseph A. Morphew, 14 acres, $105.19

Boone Township, 1920

B.F. Brannock, one lot, $1.17

C.J. Cowles heirs, 75 acres, $5.85

T. Leonard Cook, 38 acres, $44.19

Coffey & Hamby, one lot, $1.04

Fred B. Hartley, 1 lot, $62

J.B. Horton, 60 acres, $53.58

W.L. Haynes, 40 acres, $13.60

Mrs. Naomi Horton, heirs, 1 lot, $6.72

Mrs. Lizzie Maitba (Maltba?), 60 acres, $20.12

Thos. Moretz, 22 acres, $3.90

Lee Osborne, 50 acres, $135.35

Tobitha Oxentine, 75 acres, $10.29

Lindsay Patterson, 381 acres, $78

Donnie Richardson, 1 acre, 78 (cents or dollars?)

W.T. Storie, 60 acres, $21.10

George Spaulding, 1 lot, $9.93

J.S., G.C. & J.L. Winkler, 20 acres, $1.26

Miles Winebarger, 2 acres, $2.80

Bob Shearer, 2 lots, $4.19

Boone Township, 1919 taxes

Mrs. Emma Calloway, 1 acre, 93 (cents or dollars?)

J.S. Horton heirs, 4 lots, $3.04

Miller & Davis, 1 lot, 76 (?)

M.P. & N.E. Moretz, 1 lot, 66

L.M. Moretz, 2 acres, $7.79

Lillie Presnell heirs, 13 acres, $3.40

A.D. Reynolds, 5 acres, 85

J.J.T. Reece, 1 acre, 76

Ed Sherwood, 10 acres, $1.36

Watauga Township, taxes for 1920

M.F. Coffey, 33acres, $11.13

John Miller, one lot, $2.50

This the 5th day of October 1921, J.E. YOUNG, Sheriff

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