
Saturday, October 24, 2015

Social News From Watauga County, Oct. 15, 1914

“Town and Country News,” from the Wagauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., October 15, 1914

Mr. L.S. Gross brought to this office yesterday morning a turnip weighing 5 pounds. Next.

James H. Taylor, Esq., has returned from a visit of several weeks to his son Adolphus in Wilkes county

A little less than three weeks until the election, and every citizen should see to it that his name is properly placed on the registration books.

Mr. Watts of Shull’s Mills, who recently sold his mercantile business there, has resigned as postmaster at that place. His successor has not been appointed.

Miss Day, daughter of Mr. Thomas L. Day of Blowing Rock, has taken a position in the office of Chairman F.L. Linney as stenographer and type writer for the remainder of the campaign.

E.J. Norris asks us to announce that the next county singing, Eastern division, will be held at the court house in Boone on next Saturday. He is anxious that as many as possible can attend.

Mr. Abe Edmisten has been appointed substitute R.F.D. carrier but of Boone on Route 1, and has filled his bond for the faithful performance of the duties of the same. A good selection, to say the least.

Mrs. W.C. Coffey is off for a visit of some weeks to friends and relatives East of the ridge. She will visit at Elkin, Greensboro, and other towns and cities in North Carolina before she returns.

Mrs. Elizabeth Penn Seay, after spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. W.C. Coffey in Boone, left last Thursday for her home in Lynchburg, Va., much to the regret of her many friends in this section.

It is with sadness that we chronicle the death of Mrs. Ed Shell of Hickory, which occurred at her home some days ago. She was the daughter of ex-County Treasurer W.N. Thomas of Tracy, this county; a most estimable lady, and her demise will bring sadness to the hearts of hosts of friends in Watauga.

Quite a number of Wataugans attended the Mountain City Fair last week; took some of the products of this highly favored and most productive county and, as is always the case, many blue ribbons were won by Wataugans. Mr. Charles Lewis of Vilas R.F.D. held the best exhibit of wheat, while his neighbor Mr. Don J. Horton carried off the ribbon for best buckwheat on exhibit; as did Miss Maude Mast on several pieces of her handiwork, paintings, etc. We have not seen the published list yet, but it is safe to predict that Watauga won many other prizes. She is naturally a prize-winning county, you know.

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