
Monday, October 26, 2015

Will We Become Saloonless Nation? 1914

"Prohibition Lightning,” from the Biblical Recorder, October, 1914

Are we soon to have a saloonless nation? Many devout people believe that within a decade the liquor traffic will be legally banished from the soil of our fair land. That many of the signs of the times point back to this desirable consummation is unmistakably manifest to every discerning individual. For example, in a recent address at Chautauga, N.Y., Miss Anna A. Gordon, Vice-president of the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, expressed the opinion that the prospect is good because in recent years John Barleycorn has been several times struck by national prohibition lightning. Among other things, she said: “The abolishment of the sale of liquor in the restaurants of our national capitol building, in the soldiers’ homes, and in the army canteen; the so-called “white-ribbon regime” at the White House; the passage of the Webb-Kenyon bill for the protection of prohibition territory; the fearless action of Secretary Daniels in banishing strong drink from the navy; the order of Secretary of War Garrison closing 35 saloons on the United States side of the Panama Canal zone—all these electric bolts must have somewhat prepared John Barleycorn for the fearful storm soon to break, when national prohibition lightning will strike down every distillery, every brewery, and every dramshop in our great nation.

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