
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Army Draft Information, 1918

“Men to Be Classified as to Physical Fitness” from the French Broad Hustler, March 28, 1918

Washington, Mar. 7—Reclassification according to physical condition of the men called in the next army draft is provided in revised instructions for medical advisory boards throughout the country.

The new regulations made public tonight require that every man summoned before the board shall be placed in one of the following four classes: (A) Acceptable for general military service; (B) acceptable for general military service after being cured of remedial defect; (C) acceptable for special or limited military service in a specified capacity or occupation; (D) rejected and exempted from any military service.

It is the intention of the provost marshal general to provide later for the further investigation and classification of the men acceptable for limited or special service so that record may be made of the sort of work each of these men may be assigned to do without endangering his health.

Under the new regulations, many ailments and defects which gained exemption of drafted men in the past will result only in their being listed in group B. Such men if they choose will be given the privilege of securing the services of their family physicians in the effort to remove the defect, but if they have not availed themselves of this privilege within a specified time, they will be called into military service and ordered to a cantonment base hospital, a reconstruction hospital or to a civic hospital, as may be designated by the surgeon-general.

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