
Monday, November 9, 2015

Classifications in the Draft for World War I, 1918

“Classes Into Which Drafted Men Are Placed,” from the French Broad Hustler, March 28, 1918

The local exemption board has completed the classification of the men in Henderson county in accordance with the following regulations and has called the eight composing the first quota:

Class I
Single men without dependent relatives.

Married men, with or without children or father or motherless children, who has habitually failed to support his family.

Married man dependent on wife for support.

Married man, with or without children, or father of motherless children; man not usefully engaged, family supported by income independent of his labor.

Unskilled farm laborer.

Unskilled industrial laborer.

Registrant by or in respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made.

Registrant who fails to submit questionnaire and in respect of whom no deferred classification is claimed or made.

All registrants not included in any other division in the schedule.

Class II
Married men with children or father of motherless children, where such wife or children or such motherless children are not mainly dependent upon is labor for support for the reason that there are other reasonably certain sources of adequate support (excluding earnings or possible earnings from the labor of the wife), available, and that the removal of the registrant will not deprive such dependents of support.

Married man, without children, whose wife, although the registrant is not mainly dependent upon his labor for support, for the reason that the wife is skilled in some special class of work which she is physically able to perform and in which she is employed, or in which there is an immediate opening for her under conditions that will enable her to support herself decently and without suffering or hardships.

Necessary skilled farm laborer in necessary agricultural enterprise.

Necessary skilled industrial laborer in necessary industrial enterprise.

Class III
Man with dependent children (not his own), but toward whom he stands in relation of parent.

Man with dependent aged or infirm parents.

Man with dependent helpless brothers or sisters.

County or municipal officer.

Highly trained fireman or policeman at least three years of service of municipality.

Necessary customhouse clerk.

Necessary employee of the United States in transmission of the mails.

Necessary artificer or workman in U.S. armory or arsenal.

Necessary employee in service of United States.

Necessary assistant associate or hired manager of necessary agricultural enterprise.

Necessary highly specialized technical or mechanical expert of necessary industrial enterprise.

Necessary assistant or associate manager of necessary industrial enterprise.

Class IV
Man whose wife or children are mainly dependent on his labor for support.

Mariner actually employed in sea service of citizen or merchant in the United States.

Necessary sole managing, controlling, or directing head of necessary agricultural enterprise.

Necessary sole managing, controlling, or directing head of necessary industrial enterprise.

Class V
Officers—legislative, executive or judicial of the United States or of State Territory, or District of Columbia.

Regular of duly ordained minister of religion.

Student who on May 18, 1917, was preparing for ministry n recognized school.

Persons in military or naval service of United States.

Alien enemy.

Resident alien (not an enemy) who claims exemption.

Persons totally and permanently physically or mentally unfit for military service.

Person morally unfit to be a soldier of the United States.

Licensed pilot actually employed in the pursuit of his vocation.

Members of well-recognized religious sect or organization, organized and existing on May 18, 1917, whose then existing creed or principles forbid its members to participate in war in any form, and whose religious convictions are against war or participation therein.

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