
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Details of New Conscription Law, 1917

Details of New Conscription Law,” from the May 17, 1917, issue of the High Point Review

Washington, May 10 [Special]—Outstanding features of the universal service law as drafted by the senate and house conferees.

Ages of Draft, 21 to 30 inclusive.

Ages of Volunteers, 18 to 40 inclusive.

Number subject to draft, 11,000,000

To be Obtained by Draft or Volunteers:

            Numbers to be drawn by selective conscription, 1,000,000 [In two drafts 500,000 each]

            Regular army, 300,000

            National Guard, 625,000

            Special and technical troops, 76,000

            Total strength provided, 2,001,000

Terms of Service: Period of Emergency.

Exemptions: Federal and state officers. Ministers of religion and theological students. Members of religious sects opposed to war.

Liable to Exemption: County and municipal officers. Customhouse clerks, mail employees. Employees of armories, arsenals and navy yards. Persons engaged in industries, including agriculture. Those supporting dependents. The physically and morally deficient.

Method for Draft: Proclamation by the president for registration. Immediate registration by those of draft age. Selection from register of men for service. Dispatch of men drafted to nearest training camp.

Provisions for Pay:

Second-class private, $25

First-class private, $31

Corporal, $32

Sergeant of the line, $36 and $42

Quartermaster and hospital sergeants, $46

First sergeant, $50

Safeguards Thrown Around the Army: Prohibition and suppression of social evil.

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