
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Worrying Pays Off, 1913

“Happy Thanksgiving Custom,” from the High Point Review, November 20, 1913

A woman who has an almost old-fashioned faith in Providence keeps what she calls her “thank offering box.” Into this goes throughout the year, from one Thanksgiving to the middle of the following November, a sum of money for every accident escaped, calamity averted, or special joy.

These offerings are not confined to her own escapes but each time some member of her family bobs up from some threatened woe into the box goes the money offering of thanks.

Not the same amount is given each time, and rarely rich sums, for the woman is not rich, but a nice little sum is realized.

This is devoted to giving some one a happy Thanksgiving day. It does not always go into regular channels. As the woman says—the poor and hospitals are usually well cared for in holiday seasons.

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