
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bobolink Reports Mangum News in Rockingham Post-Dispatch, 1921

“Mangum Items,” from the Dec. 1, 1921, issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch.

The Willing Workers held their monthly meeting with Mrs. H.H. Chandler. Mrs. Covington, Home Agent, and Mrs. Thomas of Rockingham were present and made interesting talks. Mrs. Thomas gave demonstrations for Christmas presents.

Mr. and Mrs. David Haywood entertained a few young people most delightfully at a candy-pulling Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Poe and children, Inez and Lucille, of Apex, and Miss Flax Andrews of Lumberton spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Andrews.

Mr. and Mrs. Hampton LeGrand of Winston visited at the home of his uncle, Mr. W.O. LeGrand last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Godfrey of Spray were week-end guests at the home of her other, Mrs. T.F. Stanback.

Messrs. Davis Haywood and Lewis and Charlie Lisk motored to Charlotte Monday.

Miss Ruth Horne and Mr. Wortz Rogers of Charlotte spent Thanksgiving with Miss Horne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Horne.

This community is blessed with a real live Epworth League. While the membership is not so very large, yet the members are very much in earnest and readily take part in the meetings with the right spirit. On Thursday evening of last week the League held a most enjoyable Thanksgiving service. The following program was given, with Homer Lisk as leader; Topic “The Goodness of God.”

Song: Joy to the World

Prayer of Thanksgiving: Lee Johnson

Scripture: Psalm 34: 1-10.

Reading “The First Thanksgiving”: Homer Lisk

Reading “A Psalm of Thanksgiving”: Miss Mamie Currie

Reading: Charlie Lisk

Reading: Fred Jarrell

Recitation, “Thanksgiving”: John Robert Jarrell

Talk, “Our National Thanksgiving”: Miss Kate M. Johnson

Sentence Prayer

Quartet, “The Kingdom is Coming”: Homer Lisk, Fred Jarrell, Lee Johnson, Jackie Currie

Just here pencils and Thanksgiving booklets were passed through the audience, with the request that each would write something for which they were thankful. The response to this was most gratifying. As these were read by the president, Lee Johnson, it was seen that there are many causes for thanksgiving.

Next on the program was a hymn, “I Need Thee Every Hour.” As this was being sung, Miss Bertha Lisk, representing the Spirit of Thanksgiving, dressed in white with a crown of Autumn leaves on her head and having a basket of apples and sheaves of corn, emblems of the harvest time, entered. After recounting many of the blessings, chief of which was God’s greatest gift, His Son, the Spirit of Thanksgiving then called upon the representatives from different mission points to come forward. At this time nine young people, representing Poland, China, Korea, Japan, Brazil, Serbia, Czheco-Slovakia, Mexico and Cuba came to the front and gave interesting reports from these fields. Next the officers of the League stood in a body and recited together the League pledge. This was followed by the hymn, “Come Ye Thankful.” The meeting closed with the League Benediction.


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