
Monday, December 7, 2015

County Home Inmates Remembered at Thanksgiving, 1921

"Infirm Remembered,” from the Dec. 1, 1921, issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch.

On Thanksgiving Day the aged and infirm at the County Home were bounteously remembered by the following, who sent fruits, etc., to gladden the hearts of those unfortunates: the King’s Daughters of Rockingham; the Elizabeth Jones class of Hamlet Methodist church; boxes jointly from the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches of Hamlet; and fruits, etc., from the St. Stephens A.M.E. colored church of Hamlet.

Mr. H.G. McLean, in charge of the Home, wishes to give this public acknowledgment of the gifts. There are now in the Home 20 inmates—8 of whom are white and 12 colored.

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