
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ellerbe School News, Dec. 1, 1922

“Ellerbe School News” from the Rockingham Post Dispatch, Dec. 1, 1922

Mr. I.R. Sides and sister, Miss Sallie Mae, went to Elon College Thanksgiving to witness the Elon-Guilford college football game. Mr. Sides was formerly on the varsity team.

Mrs. A.K. McDonald and little daughter Lucy Katherine of Star are visiting Mrs. McDonalds’ sister, Mrs. B.B. Farlow.

Mr. J.B. Ingram of Sanford spent Monday in town.

Mr. Clifford Hall motored to Asheboro last Saturday where he stayed until Sunday night with his mother.

Misses Alma and Mary Braswell of Monroe spent Thanksgiving Day with their cousin Miss Ruby Price near town.

One of the students in high school wrote a theme on a mule and a duck.

A mule has two feet to kick with; two feet to stand on and two wings on the side of his head. He’s got a mighty forward way of suddenly startling backward way of suddenly starting forward.

Professor Pete Smith has resigned his position as chemistry teacher.

“Puny-Six,” “Hoe-Handle Red” and “Mule” were sorely disappointed Thanksgiving night.

Royal Bennett killed a rabbit Thanksgiving.

Squire Bennett Covington is preparing for winter. He has let his hair grow out.

We imagine that the bone-yard station is closed. Duck-legged Benson has quit driving the old gray mare.

The teachers sent as delegates from Ellerbe High School to the Teachers’ Assembly in Raleigh last week were Prof. Mitchel and Misses Capella Capel and Ethel Proffit.

Mr. Reid Auman spent Thanksgiving holidays in Greensboro.

Master Harold Bennett and Miss Ernestine Bennett spent Thanksgiving Day with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. O’Brien.

Miss Nan C. McCullers returned Sunday night after spending the holidays at her home in

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bennett gave a Thanksgiving dinner last Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. D.P. Bridges, who will leave in December for Newton, where they will make their home.

Miss Jessie Suggs returned Monday to Greensboro where she attends school at the Greensboro High School, after spending the holidays at her home near town.

Miss Mildred Williams has returned home after spending the week-end in Blenheim, S.C., with relatives.

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