
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Iredell County Grand Jury Condemns Conditions in Its County Home for Poor, 1901

“The Action of Iredell’s Grand Jury Will Have a Good Influence Elsewhere,” from the editorial page of The Progressive Farmer, Dec. 3, 1901

The grand jury in Iredell County doubtless performed a duty of great virtue in condemning their county home. There is no evidence at our command tending to show that Iredell’s provisions for keeping its poor are markedly inferior to those of other counties, but the incident may be fairly interpreted to indicate that this grand jury had a high sense of public duty and a mind to perform it when it condemned a public “arrangement” for the poor which in too many counties is inadequate and niggardly, not to say un-Christian and cruel. The Statesville Landmark well contends that the poor are God’s afflicted as well as the insane and should receive the pitying care of a humane and generous people.

We believe the steps taken by Iredell’s grand jury will have an influence for good beyond the borders of that county.

            --Gastonia Gazette

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