
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reddick Property, Mules, Wagon and Buggy to Being Auctioned Off the Day After Christmas, 1921

Dec. 1, 1921, issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch.

Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Richmond County, in an action therein pending entitled “B.F. Palmer et al vs W.R. Reddick and Minnie Reddick, his wife,” the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale at public auction for cash at the court house door in Rockingham, N.C., on Monday, Dec. 26th, 1921, at 12 o’clock, the following described real and personal property.

Beginning at a rock pile and runs S. 2, E. 32.50 chains; thence S. 32 W. 8.50 chains to the creek; thence down the various courses of said creek to a red oak, Leak’s Corner; thence N. 18, E. 36.52 chains to a sweet gum near the spring; thence N. 70, W. 31.50 chains t the beginning, containing 133 acres, more or less, save and excepting 2 acres within said boundaries conveyed to Calvin Robbins by A.J. Goodman and wife, and 50 acres convey to Mike Reddick by W.R. Reddick and wife, said 52 acres is not conveyed or intended to be conveyed by this deed. See Richmond County Records Book No. 70 at page 225. The number of acres conveyed by this deed is 81.

One black horse mule, about six years old, named Jerry; 1 red horse mule about ten years old, named Allen; one black mare about six years old, named Fanny; one two-horse Nisson wagon; one Barber buggy.

This the 21st day of November, 1921

Ozmer L. Henry, Commissioner

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