
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Retha Kirby and Fred Smith Die, 1921

“Deaths” from the Dec. 1, 1921, issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch.

Baby Dead

Retha Amelia, 11 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Kirby of Entwistle died Tuesday afternoon and the little body was laid to rest Wednesday at Mizpah. The friends of the Kirbys extend their sympathy in the loss of their infant.

Fred H. Smith

Mr. Fred H. Smith died at the Charlotte Sanatorium last Saturday following an operation for kidney trouble. He was unable to withstand the shock and never recovered from the anesthetic. The remains were brought to his home at Steele’s Saturday night and interred Monday at Mizpah by Rev. D.A. Clarke.

Mr. Smith was 31 years old. He was born in Rutherford County and moved to this county 11 years ago. He was married eight years ago to a daughter of Mr. J.W. Hinson, and she with a six-year-old daughter survives. He was operated upon in 1916 for kidney trouble, in 1917 for appendicitis and now this last and fatal operation. He was a steward in the Methodist Church at Steele’s and was a son of Mr. J.H. and Mary E. Smith, who survive.

He was a Woodman and had $1,000 insurance with that order. About two months ago he took out a $1,000 policy with the New York Life Insurance Company, giving his note for the first payment. This payment would have been due next week. And here his family will get payment on a policy the premium of which had not even been paid. A wise provision by this young man.

The family requests the Post-Dispatch to express their thanks to the friends for the kindness shown in their bereavement.

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