
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Smallpox in Richmond County; County Health Officer Urges Parents to Get Children Vaccinated, 1921

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921.

A number of cases of smallpox have been reported in the community, and I advise that every person in the county who has never had the disease nor been successfully vaccinated against smallpox to be vaccinated at once.

According to the State law small pox is not a quarantinable disease, so the only real protection we have against the disease is by having been successfully vaccinated. It is much better to have one sore on the arm that to have the disease and run the risk of losing your life, or have your health impaired by some of the serious complications that so frequently follow the disease.

I urge that every father and mother have their children vaccinated at once.

Respectfully yours, Dr. W.R. McIntosh, County Health Officer

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