
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Fassifern News by Evelyn Graham in the French Broad Hustler, January 1918

“Fassifern News” by Evelyn Graham, from the Jan. 24, 1918, issue of the French Broad Hustler

On Friday afternoon Miss Shipp entertained the Freshman class at Justus Pharmacy.

Miss Hersperger entertained the English class at afternoon tea. Miss Graham assisted the hostess in serving. Those present besides the class were Mrs. McBee, Miss Shipp and Miss Graham.

The first missionary meeting of the new year and the Junior auxiliary were held Sunday afternoon. Miss Shipp is director of both.

The new students who have been entered since Christmas are: Miss Ida Ravenel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Ravenel, Charleston, S.C., and the misses Wilmerding, daughter of Major and Mrs. W.E. Wilmerding. Major Wilmerding is in the medical department of the army and is stationed at Camp Green, Charlotte. Miss Mary Stewart Latrobe, who is also the daughter of an army officer, Col. Latrobe, stationed at Camp Gordon, Atlanta. Other students who are daughters of army officers in the regular army are Miss Mary Peace, whose father is Major Peace of the artillery, stationed at Camp Gordon; and Miss Josephine Dixon, whose father, Col. Dixon, is on Gen. Pershing’s staff in France.

Miss May Jones of Asheville, former private secretary of ex-Gov. Craig, was the guest of Miss Mary Shipp at Fassifern Tuesday.

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