
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Local Farmers to Get Nitrate Fertilizer at Cost from Government, 1918

“Local Farmers to Get Nitrate at Cost from Government” in the Jan. 24, 1918 issue of the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C.

Notice has been given to Frank Fleming, agricultural agent for Henderson county, that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will sell at cost a supply of nitrate of soda to farmers in Henderson county.

The nitrate was purchased through the War Industries Board under the authority of the food control act as a part of the program for stimulating agricultural production. It will be unloaded at Atlantic ports and the price will be $75.50 a ton, free on board cars at port of arrival. Farmers are to pay in addition freight from port of arrival and the State fertilizer tag fee.

How to Obtain Nitrate
Applications for part of the 100,000 tons of nitrate bought by the government will be received only from actual farmers or owners or holders of farms for use on their land, and may be made through County Agent Frank Fleming or through any member of a local committee consisting of C.S. Fullbright, R.W. Fletcher, P.H. Walker, H.K. Pace and D.N. Ravenport.

No money will be required with the application but upon notice from the county agent, farmers who have signed applications must deposit with a local bank association or individual designated by the secretary of agriculture to act as the farmer’s agent for that purpose money to cover the cost of the fertilizer except the freight charges. After the money is transmitted to Washington, the nitrate will be shipped to the farmers. If applications for the nitrate exceed the supply of about 100,000 tons, the government will allow the supply on a pro rata. Applications must be received by February 4.

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