
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Rutherfordton Bank Closed, Other N.C. Business News, 1906

“Rutherfordton Bank Closed,” from the Jan. 9, 1906, issue of the Semi-Weekly Messenger, Wilmington, N.C.

Examiner Haywood in Charge Until a Receiver Can be Appointed…Charters by the State
The corporation commission, upon the report of Bank examiner F.J. Haywood Jr. that the Bank of Rutherfordton has conducted business in an unsafe and unauthorized manner, jeopardizing the interests of depositors, and is now insolvent, orders the examiner to take charge until the commission has a receiver appointed to wind up business. D.F. Morrow of Rutherfordton is president of the bank which at its last statement showed assets $31,518, capital $10,000, deposits $18,518.

Charters are issued to the Berryhill-Suther-Drufee Company, Charlotte, wholesale and retail shoe business, capital $25,000; the North State Bobbin Company, Mount Airy, capital stock, $25,000; the Lee-Dupree Hardware Company, Dunn, wholesale and retail, capital stock $50,000; the Interstate Machine and Supply Company, Wilmington, T.D. Olive, R.W. Gibson and other stockholders, capital $50,000, half subscribed.

Other Business News
The King-Crowell Drug Co., of Raleigh, was today chartered to conduct a wholesale and retail business in this city. Incorporators are C.B. Crowell, formerly identified with a drug business in Charlotte and later proprietor of the Crowell Drug Store here, and Ed C. Birdsong and W.H. King, for many years prominent in drug circles in Raleigh. The company is capitalized at $20,000.

The news from State Treasurer Lacy today is that his condition is so much improved that it is hoped he will be able to sit up Saturday.

Important changes are to be made in the Union passenger station here which will make it much more convenient for the public, especially for ladies.

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