
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Scipio Douglass May Have 'Grieved and Worried Himself to Death' 1922

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, January 26, 1922

Scipio Douglass, a worthy colored man living near Hamlet, dropped dead Tuesday night at his home under unusual circumstances. It would seem that he practically grieved and worried himself to death.
On Tuesday, his land of 105 acres was sold under mortgage at the courthouse door here, this land being on the Hamlet-Bennetsville road and for which it was said he refused $35,000 two years ago. The land was knocked off Tuesday to Martin Freeman for E.C. Odom, for $6,700. Scipio had tried in every way to raise the money to stave off the sale, but was unsuccessful. And when he went home Tuesday night, he had barely seated himself in a chair before he dropped over dead—heart failure.

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