
Friday, February 19, 2016

Local News from Boone Area, Feb. 2, 1911

 “Local News” from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., February 2, 1911.

Ed. G. Farthing is off on a business trip to Wilksboro this week.

Dr. R.D. Jennings will be at the Blackburn Hotel next Monday for the practice of dentistry.

The days continue very warm and the songs of the birds at early dawn reminds one of spring.

Miss Rosedna Brown of Blowing Rock has been added to the faculty of the Training School.

W.R. Edmisten of Rufus, Caldwell county, was a business caller at our office last Saturday.

Donald Farthing left last week for a visit to his brother, Dr. L.E. Farthing, at Pittsboro, Chatham county.

Rev. T.E. Weaver asks us to announce that he will preach in the Methodist church in Boone at 11 a.m. next Sunday.

A meeting of days is being conducted at Poplar Grove by Revs. Payne, Gragg and Farthing.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Green on Monday morning last, a baby boy. Mother and son are doing well.

Services at the Methodist church on Sunday night next, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Vestal, presiding elder for the Wilkesboro district.

Miss Hattie Thomas, daughter of County Treasurer W.N. Thomas, is in town this week on her return from a visit to relatives in Hickory.

Master James, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Councill, entertained a number of his little play mates and friends on Tuesday evening last in honor of his 8th birthday.

The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook of East Boone was right painfully burned Tuesday morning by the accidental overturning of a pain of boiling water.

As the result of a protracted meeting conducted by the Rev. J.M. Payne at Middle Fork church, 17 were received into full membership by baptism on Friday last.

Mrs. Pulliam and daughter Miss Mary have returned to Bristol where the latter has entered college again at Virginia Institute. The little son Robert remaining here at the A.T.S.

The board of county commissioners will be in session next Monday, and we will learn that there will come before it some matters of considerable interest to the people of Watauga.

The venerable shoe-maker of Blowing Rock, Mr. Smith Watts, was married on Monday of last week to Miss Matheson of Taylorsville, N.C. the bride and groom are at home to friends at Blowing Rock.
A legislative committee of three, for the investigation of the work, management, etc., of the Appalachian Training School, is expected here this week. Like committees are being sent to all the State institutions.

This belated bit of sad news has just reached us: On the 10th Miss Selma Thomas died at her home at St. Jude, and was buried on the 11th in the church yard at St. Johns-on-the-Watauga, Rev. H.A. Dobbin officiating. A large number of relatives and friends were in attendance.

Mr. J.F. Salmons of Boone R.F.D., who has been on a rather protracted visit to Virginia, returned last Saturday, bringing with him an expensive through bred four-year-old Purcheon(?) horse. Mr. Salmons is a bit partial to this particular breed of draft horses, and has on his farm some of the finest specimens to be found in the mountain counties.

Mrs. Mary Hardin Shull, who has been spending the past month at the home of her parents in Boone, has been very ill for several days. Her husband, Mr. Edgar Shull, was wired for at Elizabethton, Tenn., on Saturday and is with her now. At this writing she is very little if any better. Her many relatives and friends hope for the splendid lady a speedy recovery.

Mr. D.M. Coffey of Moretz, one of our best citizens and farmers, has rented his beautiful plantation, bought a farm in Virginia, and moved to it this week. Mr. Coffey is a good financier, but we are unable to see how he could afford to rent such a farm and buy in another state. We can ill afford to give up such a man, but we hope he may continue to prosper, even if he has turned his back on the best county in North Carolina.

The trip of Sheriff Ragan to Virginia last week proved futile, as far as bringing Clarence Potter back with him was concerned. The policeman who arrested Potter at Coburn learned that the miners of the town intended to liberate him and brought him to Bristol. There he met an officer from Frankfort, Ky., armed with requisition papers form the Governor of the State for one Creed Potter, an escaped convict, and claimed Clarence as the man. Sheriff Ragan protested, but to no avail, and the prisoner was taken on to Kentucky. The Sheriff is now advised that his man is ready for him and he will start as soon requisition papers arrived.

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