
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mourning the Loss of a 12-year-old and a Baby in Watauga County, N.C. 1907

From the Watauga Democrat, Feb. 7, 1907

David Loyd Jones
As the golden sun was sending her last silver rays to kiss the hilltops and mountain tops good night on January 26th, the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Jones and bore away the spirit of their eldest son, David Loyd, aged 12 years and 23 days.

He bore his illness without a murmur—perfectly resigned to the will of Him who ruleth all things. He was a good boy and possessed rare qualities of modesty for one his age; was a favorite among his school mates and loved by all who knew him. He kept count of those who visited him during his illness, numbering over 100.

He loved his aged grand-parents, and was dearly loved by them, who will miss him so much.

Revs. Wilson and Payne conducted the funeral services. We laid him to rest at Meat Camp Church there to await that great day.

Weep not, dear parents, only think of where dear Loyd has gone and what a happy meeting it will be when we all meet him at the right hand of the father.

There all sorrows will cease,
When we reach the land of peace,

Dear Loyd has only gone before
Where sad parting is no more.

His last words were “give me rest,”
The dear Savior answered his request

And took him to heaven above,
Where all is peace and love

                                                One Who Loved Him

 Card of Thanks
We take this means of thanking our friends for their help and many expressions of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our darling little baby girl, which occurred on Jan. 19th. We treasure and appreciate every one of their kind words of condolence, and pray that God may bless each and every one of them.

                                Dr. and Mrs. R.D. Jennings

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