
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Mrs. A.P. Fry and Her Tenants, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Lisk, Lose Rockingham Home to Fire, 1922

From the Feb. 23, 1922, issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch

The home of Mrs. A.P. Fry in west Rockingham was destroyed by fire Monday night around 2 o’clock. Occupying the house with Mrs. Fry were Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Lisk and child.

The house was of one story, of four rooms. The first intimation of danger was the awakening of Mrs. Fry by the crackling of the flames overhead. The family rushed out and only a bed or two and a few articles were saved. The alarm was given and the town’s La France truck responded. Arriving in West Rockingham it was found that the nearest hydrant was too far away, the fire was without the town limits, and so the truck hurried back to the fire station and secured hose in addition to the 1,000 feet it carried. Connection was made with the creek below Great Falls, and the engine soon was pumping a strong stream. However, the house had been practically consumed. A new store building nearby came perilously near igniting, but was saved. One thousand insurance had been taken out on the house just two weeks ago, and $500 on the furniture.

Some time ago the Lisks moved out of their house 100 yards or so from the Fry house, and moved into the Fry home. They rented their larger house to Jim Garrett but retained the store underneath the house. About two months ago the house caught fire and was burned together with the small store containing some $500 worth of groceries. Mr. Garrett collected $650 insurance from his furniture, but the Lisks had none on their house or stock of goods. And so when R.R. Simmons called on them two weeks ago and suggested their taking insurance on the Fry home, they did so, to extent of $1,000 on the house and $500 on the furniture. Hard luck seems to follow them.

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