
Monday, February 1, 2016

When a Case of Venereal Disease Appeared at Lumberton High School, Health Officer Had All 423 Students Tested, 1949

“Reports In From Blood Specimens,” from the Feb. 23, 1949 issue of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C.

Dr. E.R. Hardin, Robeson health officer, states that he has received reports from the blood specimens of Lumberton high school students taken about two weeks ago and sent to the state laboratory of hygiene in Raleigh.

Students numbering 423 in grades 8-12, inclusive, went to the health department office in groups over a period of several days after a case of venereal disease was discovered in the school. In addition to these, several other students had blood specimens taken by private physicians.

On the basis of reports from the state laboratory, Dr. Harden makes the following statement: “I thought it best to wait until reports had all been received on the blood specimens from students in Lumberton high school before a statement was made to their parents. The reports are all in, and I am glad to say that I think they are a credit to the children of our high school. Parents may be assured that the report on the blood specimen of their son or daughter was all right unless they have received a letter from me.”

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