
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Farmers of Roberdel Community Form New Agricultural Club, 1922

Another Agricultural Community Club,” by W.H. Barton, from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
The farmers of the Roberdel community met last Friday night at the school building and organized a community club for studying their problems more thoroughly and systematically from time to time. I have a date for organizing one next Thursday night, making three within the last three weeks. It is gratifying to the writer to see everywhere he goes, an unusual interest in more legumes, more pastures, better fruit, more and better poultry, better gardens, and more food and feed stuffs. It is hoped that this will prove to be general and will continue to increase. If so, the weevil will meet disappointment in Richmond county in 1923 and thereafter if his job is to ruin wherever he goes.
The Roberdel Agricultural club will meet at the Roberdel school Friday night, March the 10th, at 7:30. No dues, no fees. All farmers invited.

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