
Saturday, March 5, 2016

High Point Students Sue Johnson and Deane Menscer Share High School Doings, 1951

“Senior High Spots” by Sue Johnson, from the Statesville Landmark, March 1, 1951. Menscer’s first name is spelled Dean in some places in the article and Deane in other places.
I just finished raking the yard. Gee, what a job. There were millions of leaves in that yard. Oh, but what weather! Hasn’t it been wonderful? Flowers are blooming, children out of doors playing, convertible tops down and Easter bonnets atop pretty heads. Yes, Easter is right around the corner. I know you are thinking about what to wear. But don’t worry too much. You can always find something.
The Booster Club met Friday afternoon. What a club! The whole student body belongs to it. And Coach Bill Long really makes them yell. The opinions on this club are that it is the biggest club in Senior High. And it is. The kids yell like the world was coming to an end. Now, if only they would do that at the games.
O, say can you see? Yes, we have a brand new flag. It sure does look good floating in the air. The Assembly gave this flag, of which we are very proud.
Want to see two good games? O.K. Come to the games tomorrow night at Childrens' Home. And then Friday come to Barium Springs for the last game of the season. Basketball is a wonderful sport, with football right beside it. Come on out, folks, and see these games. It will do you good.
The Future Housewives of America met last Tuesday to see a movie, “Suzie Makes a Dress.” The speaker showed us the different kinds of materials and gave a brief talk on selecting materials. The girls found the club meeting very interesting.
Fashion suggestions for Easter: Dark blue is always good for a tight skirt, with a jacket having big pockets to set off with a bright red flower at the neck.
Plain tailored dresses with a light weight topper are stylish. And patent leather shoes with bag to match are always in style.
Nothing is prettier than a soft pink suit with a white orchid and a blue topper, blue bag, white gloves, white linen shoes, and blue hat. Think about it, will you?
This week I have chosen a student to be my guest columnist—Dean Menscer, who is a cheer leader.
Before I turn her over to you, let me tell you about Dean. She’s a black-haired, brown-eyed girl of medium height. Dean has more pep than anyone. She yells her head off at games. She is a Senior and has lived in Statesville all her life. Now let’s turn it over to Dean:
When I arrived at school last Friday morning, the first person I met was Sue Johnson. She asked me if I would like to be her guest columnist for this week. I have always wanted to write a school column, so I jumped at the chance to write it this week. The first thing my locker mate, Georgia Mills, said was, “Mercy, Deane.”
The North State Basketball Tournament was being played at the school gymnasium, so the talk of the girls was “those cute boys that we met last week at the ball games.”
The next big talk is about the Dramatics Club play Thursday night, “What a Life.” It is really going to be a sensation. Don’t you dare miss it. You may buy tickets from any of the Dramatics Club or Blue and Gray staff members.
Some more big talk is about the last basketball game Friday night. Naturally it is going to be with our biggest rivals Barium Springs, so I want to see each and every one of you at the game yelling your heads off for dear old S.H.S.
It has really been an exciting week around Statesville High this week so here are the scraps that I have dug up with my pen and ink.
Marion Yount chauffering girls around in her convertible on Sunday afternoon; Gwynne Strader and Barbara happy because Durwin and Alvah have returned; Sue complimenting Elizabeth Collins on pretty necklace; Martha McClain dating John Bunch during the past weekend; Anne Morgan and Sue Barkley being elected A.R.P. district officers; Margaret Sherrill lending notebook paper to people in Home Ec; Frances Poplin making a hit with Kannapolis boys; Ada Moose dating a real cute boy from Charlotte; Miss Reynolds making Home Ec. II girls be good in class; Joyce Morrow dating “Bo” Bell Saturday night; Johnny Gilleland dating cute new girl Libby Ross; Don Sowers seen with Pat Livingston; Ann Smith talking about French II test; Erleene (Livingston) Senn talking about going to see Willie Easter; Mary Ann Jenkins spending the weekend in Greensboro; Booster’s Club meeting turning out five minutes late; Johnny Stevenson and “Chris” Nash having words; Pete Brumley having early conversation at Patsy Smith’s locker; Wallace Foster talking to Patty Warlick; Phyllis Templeton and Melda Edison helping sell tickets at the basketball game; Tommie Holton talking about hearing from Bill Proctor; Marie Moore and Fred D. spending spare time by talking in halls; Harold Barker and Phil Livingston a little late for school; Mr. Sampsel relating war experiences; Don Ballard taking names of people going to lockers during class; Mrs. White giving her oration on “Markheim;” Helen Hendren dating Norman Greene; Sue Summers dating Harley Gilleland; Sue Johnson getting a letter from a certain Guthrie at State College; Mr. Diamont keeping Mrs. White’s home room since Mr. Thomas is gone; Barrie Cowan walking Joan Reich home from school; Carlton Brett supporting Library; Harold Davis visiting John L. Dabbs over the weekend; Don Stevenson talking about a certain person is also going to Appalachian this fall; Randy Johnson and Jimmy Watson buying ticket to basketball game; Patsy Smith dating Paul Honeycutt from Troutman; Polly Wilson and Florence Lippard laughing over happening in Home Ec; Jackie Peeler looking very much like High Point College cheerleader; Yours Truly getting the new name of “Nosie Rosie” after digging up all these scraps.
                Deane Menscer

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