
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Iredell County Women Attend Farm & Home School Sessions, 1951

“Attendance Good at Farm & Home School Sessions,” from the Statesville Landmark, March 1, 1951.
Attendance was very good at the Farm and Home school sessions for women held in Iredell County Wednesday. Miss Pauline Gordon, Home Management and Home Furnishings specialist, spoke to the group Wednesday morning on “More Livable Homes,” bringing out in her discussion points to consider in managing the home and home decorating ideas.
Following this, a session was held on “Everyday Cooking,” with an emphasis on biscuitmaking. This was conducted by Miss Virginia Wilson, Extension Specialist in Foods and Nutrition, and was held at the Gem Gas Company using their equipment and floor space. In connection with this demonstration, those attending were asked to bring biscuits which they had made to be judged. The Statesville Flour Mill contributed flour to be used as prizes, which were distributed as follows: Mrs. Henry Conrad, first place receiving 25 pounds of flour; Mrs. Marvin Cash, second place receiving 10 pounds of flour and Miss Maggie James, third place receiving five pounds of flour. Also door prizes were given with 25 pound bags going to Mrs. R.C. Millsaps and 10 pounds going to Miss Lilly Bell Ramsey.
Again in the afternoon Miss Gordon appeared on the program for a joint session of men and women on “Good Home Planning” using colored slides to depict scenes for farm homes that were well planned, convenient, comfortable living. One of the things stressed in this discussion was that the planning of the farm home should be done jointly considering every member of the family and home activities.

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