
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tom Shephard of Steele's Township Charged With Selling Alcohol, 1922

From the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Tom Shephard of Steele’s township, white, was given a hearing before Squires Mullis and Barrett on Wednesday of last week on charge of keeping alcohol for sale. He was bound over to April 10th term of Court. J. Chesley Sedberry defended him.
It seems that Constable T.B. Andrews and John Jarrell raided his place January 27th, and according to their statement found in the “commissary” a broken five-gallon jug that Shephard had broken to destroy evidence, and from it was pouring whiskey; and in a closet a broken jug that his wife had doctored. About three quarters of a mile from the house, still on Shephard’s land, they found a large still that evidently had been run a night or so previous. Three barrels of beer were found also.

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