
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Watauga County News, Town and Country, 1914

From the March 26, 1914 issue of The Watauga Democrat, Boone
Town and Country
Title Inspector J.C. Fletcher of Franklin is with his family in Boone this week.
Hardin Brown has received his appointment as carrier on R.F.D. No. 1 and will enter upon his duties about the middle of April.
Mr. J.M. Younce, merchant, of Yuma, this county, died at his home on Wednesday of last week after an illness of nearly three months.
On account of poor health, that splendid citizen Mr. J.S. Lewis has decided to sell at public auction his fine horse stock and some other personal effects.
The crowd in Boone on Monday was unusually large, and the town marshal never even made an arrest, not even the slightest disturbance occurring anywhere.
Mr. William R. Miller of New River has purchased the pretty farm of Mr. John Lowrance lying in the gap of the Rich mountain above Silverstone, and Mr. and Mrs. Eggers are now in Virginia seeking a new home.
Mr. Richard Norris of Silverstone was right painfully hurt last Saturday. He was making horse shoes and a red hot shoe flew from the tongs, striking him just above the eye, inflicting an ugly wound.
A few days since Mr. N.L. Mast made another rather heavy investment in Watauga dirt. He bought the C.C. Church and J.A. Aldridge mountain lands at Foscoe, the purchase price of both tracts being $7,900.
The following out-of-the-county attorneys are here this week: Messrs. Jones and Harhaw of Lenoir, Love and Cline of Newland, Baughus of Jefferson, Lowe of Banner Elk, and Judge Councill of Hickory.

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