
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Delaware Rejects Vote for Women But Suffragists Keep Pushing, 1920

“Rejecting Suffrage” by G.W. Paschal in the April 9, 1920, issue of the Elizabeth City Independent

The House of Representatives of the Delaware legislature on April 1 refused by a vote of 23 to 9 to ratify the woman suffrage amendment to the national constitution. “But suffragists keep on.” At least they did for a day or two. Now they have given up Delaware as hopeless and have turned their attention to Louisiana, where they predict victory—a common practice. For the suffragists have learned the advantage of claiming everything when they have nothing.

The Louisiana legislature meets in special session on May 10. If the amendment fails in Louisiana, as it probably will, it will not be possible for the amendment to be adopted so as to be in force by the next election.

Governor Bickett refuses to call a special session of the North Carolina legislature before the time already fixed in July. It is hardly probable that the North Carolina legislature will adopt the amendment.

In Ohio a referendum has been set against the ratification by the State legislature. The house of Representatives of the Mississippi legislature rejected the amendment by a vote of 94 to 23. The Governor of Connecticut refuses to call a special session of the legislature, not withstanding the severe abuse of irate suffragists.

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