
Monday, April 18, 2016

Hazel Harman, Just Shy of 14th Birthday, Has Died, 1920

“In memory of Hazel P. Harman,” from the Watauga Democrat, April 8, 1920

Miss Hazel Pauline Harman was born Oct. 21, 1905, and died Oct. 9, 1919. She was converted and joined the Methodist church in Boone on Sept. 21, 1919.

Hazel was a kind obedient child and by her pleasant manner and gentle disposition won the hearts of all who knew her and her cheerful presence in the now saddened home can never be filled. She bore her sickness and suffering with patience and resignation seldom seen in one so young and left the comforting assurance that she was prepared to answer the Saviour’s call.

It seems sad to us that she should be taken away in the full bloom of girlhood when life seemed full of all that was happy and promising and when her presence here meant so much to her mother and loved ones, but the all-wise Father who knows better than we, saw fit to take dear Hazel away from us ere the blight of sorrow in this world should fall across her pathway. May we be resigned to his will and live that we may be prepared to meet Hazel when our work on earth is done.

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