
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Local News From Watauga County, April 8, 1920

Local news items from the Watauga Democrat, April 8, 1920

Postmaster David Wyke of Shulls Mills, who, a few weeks ago, bought a farm in New York State and moved there, has put his property in the hands of a real estate agent and exhibited his good sense by coming back to his former home, and is again in the post office, his successor having never been appointed. A man had better ponder well conditions in other states before leaving North Carolina, especially Watauga county.

Mr. Fred Wilson of Mountain city, Tenn., was in town a few hours last Saturday.

Should some stranger, not knowing where he was, take a peep into the Boone Drug Store, he would imagine he was in a much larger town, as a neater, more inviting looking drug shop could hardly be found outside some of our larger towns and cities. The owner, Mr. C.M. Yates, now has pure running water in the building, and his soda fountain and store equipment are up the minute. His stock of drugs is complete, and anything usually kept in a first-class drug store is there. Boone has long needed a drug store, and, thanks to the genial proprietor, we have it, and one that is worthwhile.

Mr. H.W. Horton, who with his family has been spending the winter in Florida, will return there about May 1st for his family and go to Boone. He will spend part of the summer here and a part in Watauga as done last year.

Mr. Larney L. Bingham is moving to their farm at Rutherwood, where he contemplates doing quite a lot of farming this season. He also intends building this summer.

Mr. R.B. South and family of Boone left Saturday for their ranch in Montana, where they will remain for a year at least. We glean from Mr. South that Watauga will ultimately be his home again. We wish for them a pleasant trip, a profitable sojourn and a safe return to the county of their nativity.

J.M. Mulligan and J.B. Roach have made contracts with Caldwell county to begin work immediately building the Happy Valley road from its intersection with the Lenoir-Blowing Rock turnpike just South of Patterson leading down the river to Beachford bridge. It will require 30 days to get the material on hand.

Mr. Virgil Caloway and son Ronald, of Shulls Mills, were in town Saturday. Their big land auction sale last week was a very nice success. They retained a little more than 200 acres of Watauga soil for a home place in case they fail to find a suitable location in Pennsylvania or Maryland. They contemplate a trip of inspection to these states in the very near future with a view of buying property.

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