
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Old Practice of 'Clearing Up' Causes Serious Problems for Farmers, 1944

“Clearing Up Not Advised,” by F.H. Jeter, Extension Editor at N.C. State College, Raleigh, in the April 1944 issue of The Southern Planter
As farm fields are cleared for the crops of 1944, the pungent, acrid smell of smoke hangs over many North Carolina farms, particularly in the eastern part of the State where the annual burning season has been under way. As a result the prospective game supply is depleted, forest growth is destroyed, soil fertility is injured, fences burned and at least one farm building has been lost, according to the observations by one farm forester.

Following these fires has come the usual number of salvage sales of timber. In one month, four cases of this kind have been noted in one county involving 906 acres of burned timber. In two of the cases, the timber was so severely burned that the owners were advised to sell all merchantable, marketable timber as quickly as possible. The fire was so hot in one of these cases that all the young growth less than three inches was consumed. The larger, merchantable timber had streaks of pitch running down the outside of the bark and some of the trees had been burned off at the ground.

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