
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Sgt. Frank Lynch Returns to America After Fighting in France for Seven Months, 1919

Sergt. Frank Lynch Gets Back From ‘Over There’”, from the Elizabeth City Independent, April 11, 1919

Sergeant Frank S. Lynch of Newland Township has reached America after seven months in France. 

He went over last July with the 321st Infantry and was in the front line trenches for some time. Just before the armistice was signed he was transferred to an officer’s training school and was stationed for a while at Menton, France, on the Mediterranean Sea. His window overlooked this historic shore.

He began the homeward stretch early in January, visited the cities of Layton, Nice and Monte Carlo. And after riding in box cars for many days and nights reached Brest, France. There he was placed on the old U.S.S. Georgia and on February 19th , steered westward to America, reaching Newport News on April 2nd. From there he goes to Camp Lee to be demobilized. Sergt. Lynch went over with many of the home boys, but, on the return trip was among strangers as those he knew had paid the supreme sacrifice or were transferred to other companies.

He has returned safe and sound and without blemish and soon will greet the many friend and dear old mother who await his coming.

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