
Friday, April 29, 2016

William Joseph Lindley Jr. of Snow Camp Wins Scholarship to N.C. State, 1955

“Alamance Youth Wins Scholarship” in the April 1955 issue of Extension Farm-News
William Joseph Lindley Jr., Snow Camp, Route 1, is winner of a $300 scholarship to N.C. State College.
The A.C. Kimrey Award went to Lindley on the basis of his 4-H Club dairy achievement, according to J.D. George, Extension dairy specialist at the college. The scholarship was established last year by the sons of Kimrey, retired Extension dairyman who made many contributions to 4-H dairy work during his professional service. Kimrey lives at Raleigh.
Lindley, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Lindley, is a member of Alamance County’s Eli Whitney 4-H Club. Winner of many honors during his six years as a 4-H’er, he was a member of the 4-H team that represented North Carolina in the National Dairy Judging contests at Waterloo, Iowa, in 1954. He owns a seven-cow dairy herd.
Lindley has served as an officer of his local 4-H Club two years and in the Alamance 4-H County Council one year. In addition to his 4-H achievements, he has held positions of leadership on his school’s student council, yearbook staff, and in the Future Farmers of America.
The Kimrey Award selection is based on 4-H dairy project activities, participation in 4-H dairy events, and over-all leadership record.

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