
Friday, May 13, 2016

Clarksbury Home Demonstration Club Discusses Finances, 1951

“Clarksbury HD Club Meets With Mrs. J.J. Gantt,” from the Statesville Landmark, May 3, 1951
The Clarksbury Home Demonstration Club met Tuesday with Mrs. J.J. Gantt. Mrs. Albert Gantt was co-hostess.
Mrs. Myrtle Westmoreland conducted the demonstration period, discussing business matters of interest to women. She mentioned things every woman should know about her husband’s finances; told why every adult should make a will; spoke of the different types of bank accounts; and used charts to illustrate what would become of property, real and personal, if no will was made by the owner.
Mrs. Claudia Gantt gave a project report on foods and nutrition, and Mrs. J.J. Gantt, Mrs. Esther Campbell and Mrs. Jim Gaither gave book reports.
There were 20 club members present and Mrs. Lucille Hardee, Mrs. Virginia Gantt and Miss Myrtle Gantt were visitors.
During a social hour after the meeting, Mrs. Blanche Cartner directed games, the prize going to Mrs. Esther Campbell.
The hostesses served chicken salad, rose radish on lettuce, crackers, mints and punch.

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