
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Dr. Mary Martin Sloop of Crossnore School Named State's 'Mother of the Year' 1951

“Dr. Mary Sloop Named State’s Mother of the Year,” from the Statesville Landmark, May 3, 1951. the photo below shows Drs. Eustice and Mary Sloop.

Charlotte, April 28—Dr. Mary Martin Sloop, Southern educator who has mothered thousands of boys and girls at Crossnore School, which she founded 38 years ago, was named North Carolina’s “Mother of the Year” last night.
Her recognition came at the final session of the 49th annual convention of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs here. About 1,200 are attending the convention.
Presentation of the merit award was made by Senator Clyde R. Hoey.
Mrs. Ed. M. Anderson of West Jefferson, retiring present of the federation and chairman of the North Carolina Mother’s Committee, announced that the panel of judges for the selection was made up of Miss Beatrice Cobb, the Rev. Rexford Campbell and the Rev. Wilson Nesbitt. Many letter of recommendation were received for Mrs. Sloop, Mrs. Anderson said.
Long known as “The Grand Lady of the Blue Ridge,” Mrs. Sloop has helped make possible the education of more than 3,000 mountain boys and girls who otherwise would not have had that opportunity. Under her direction Crossmore School has grown from a small boarding school to a plant including 20 buildings and 250 acres.
Mrs. Sloop, who is 77, is the wife of Dr. Eustace H. Sloop, who has also given outstanding service in the mountain area. She is the mother to two children, Dr. Emma Sloop Fink and Dr. William M. Sloop. Dr. Fink was graduated in medicine from Vanderbilt University.

“Mrs. Mary Sloop Named ‘American Mother of 1951,’” from the Statesville Landmark, May 3, 1951
New York, May 2—Mrs. Mary T. Martin Sloop of Crossnore, N.C., a 77-year-old doctor known as the “Grand Lady of the Blue Ridge” for her work with mountain children, was named yesterday the “American Mother of 1951.”
Only last Friday, Dr. Sloop was selected as North Carolina’s “Mother of the Year.”
Dr. Sloop was picked by the American Mothers Committee of the Golden Rule Foundation, an organization devoted to the welfare of mothers and children.
She is the wife of a country doctor, Dr. Eustace H. Sloop, and since 1911 has been practicing medicine with her husband.
Feats of Crossnore
She also founded Crossnore School for underprivileged children and has been credited with bringing good roads, modern farming methods, religious tolerance, a hospital and dental clinic, and vocational instruction to Avery County, N.C.
She has two children, both doctors. Dr. Emma Sloop Fink, herself a mother of three children, practices at Crossnore School, and Dr. William Martin Sloop runs a dental clinic for charity cases in the county.
The American Mothers Committee for North Carolina, which nominated Dr. Sloop for the national honor, wrote to the national committee, “She is considered by thousands of friends as the first citizen of North Carolina. Single-handed she has driving out moonshiners and shamed the earlier mountaineers into sending their children to school.”
When informed of her selection, Dr. Sloop said, “I appreciate it more than I can say. I feel tremendously humble. Words fail me.” But she managed to add, “My work was made possible by the wonderful help I had and the type of children—mountain children—that I had to deal with.
“As for my own children, they’re more like their father than their mother.”

For more information on the Sloops, see

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