
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sheriff Looking Into Mysterious Death of Prominent Brasstown Farmer T.C. Laney, 1915

“T.C. Laney Meets Mysterious Death,” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Friday, May 21, 1915
Thadeus Clingman Laney, a well-to-do and prominent farmers of the Brasstown section of Cherokee County, met death in a manner that up to the present time is wholly unexplained and has altogether the air of  mystery about it, while on his way home from Murphy where he had been last Thursday morning, 13th, doing some trading.
Mr. Laney’s mule, which he was riding, arrived home without its owner, and a search was made for the missing man, who was found at 3 o’clock in the afternoon near the Haigler branch in an unconscious and dying condition. He was taken to his home where every thing was done to revive him, but without result. He lived only a short time and was never able to tell what had befallen him after leaving Murphy.
He left here for home at about 10 o’clock Thursday and had probably been gone an hour when misfortune in the person of the Angel of Death overtook him.
Three severe gashes were found on his head. On the forehead, top and back of the head. The wounds appear to have been made by a stick. Others are of the opinion that he was thrown by his mule on a rock and then kicked. The mule is said to be of a very vicious temper.
Coroner Dockery, Sheriff Gentry and others went to the scene of the tragedy and examined the remains Friday morning, and as there seemed to be no grounds upon which to proceed, the matter was left open to await developments. But we are told that a regular inquest will be held this week.
Mr. Laney was not known to have had a real enemy any where, and the true facts concerning the manner of his death may never be known.
The remains were laid away in Brasstown Cemetery. The deceased leaves a wife, five sons, two daughters, three brothers and three sisters.

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