
Sunday, May 1, 2016

What Makes Rural North Carolina Life Pleasant, Rev. P.R. Law, 1904

“Things That Make Rural Life Pleasant” by Rev. P.R. Law, originally printed in the Lumberton Robesonian and reprinted in the Progressive Farmer, Tuesday, May 10, 1904

The price of cotton to-day and the profits realized by the last crop has had the good effect, we understand, to bring content to many men out on their farms. Some have gone back to their farms from the towns on account of it. We note this fact with genuine pleasure. Few changes have been wrought within recent years so pregnant with good to the South as the linking of rural with urban life and arteries of traffic and communication. Telephone lines and rural mail delivery have quieted many a longing and slaked volumes of thirsting. We may expect to see other things added to the comfort of country life as the years go by. It is not over bold to expect in latter years a great improvement amounting to a revolution for the better by reason of these elements of progress. We shall have stronger men and women in the lead, stronger morally, intellectually, physically and in learning. Most of the foremost, wisest and most righteous leaders in all fields of endeavor were country born and bred.
            --Rev. P.R. Law, from the Lumberton Robesonian.

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