
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

High Point Should Follow Greensboro's Lead and Ban Ice Cream Cone Push Carts, 1916

"Ice Cream Cone Push Carts Dangerous," from the front page of the June 1, 1916, issue of The Review, High Point, N.C.
Did you ever stop to think that the push carts selling ice-cream cones are a menace to the public's health, or at least those who patronize them?
Take a dry, dusty street, and all streets are in this condition when there isn't frequent rains, and when the ice cream can is opened and the cones and cream exposed dangerous dust naturally gets into the cream and on the cones and this is taken into the stomach, possibly laden with disease germs. No matter how careful the seller is such things will happen.
The City Council should require glass covered wagons and every safeguard thrown around such wagons or refuse to grant this disease-breeding wagons license to do business. Greensboro has refused to grant the ice cream cone push carts license for another year and HIgh Point would do well to take the matter in hand.
The best thing is to refuse them license. We are not careful enough of our people's health anyway.
The Review has repeatedly called the City Council's attention to such matters of health. We have tried to get a monthly analysis of the milk and butter supply just like all other towns who care something for the health of its citizens, towns which place the public's health beyond dollars and cents.
It looks like High Point is retrograding in this all important step and surely it is high time we were doing something.

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